
Saturday, 23 July 2016


Welcome back everyone,

We hope you have all had a wonderful break and are ready for a very busy term of learning. You will see by our diary dates below we have quite a few events on, these will be pivotal to our programme. We have put our hands up to be involved in a community shore birds project focussing closely on the godwits - Te Kuaka and their migration (‘The Flock’ These remarkable little birds are renowned for their resilience, endurance, abilty to adapt for change and team work. All important aspects of life we are focussed on in our learning. Sadly the survival of the godwit is under threat due to environmental pollution. The children will undergo their own related inquiry based on their area of interest. We will also integrate this into our Sculpture on Shore project and the science of flight.

We are very excited about the onsite visit of the big art rig known as the Real Art Roadshow, Being the first two days of school, this will be a great kickoff for another term’s learning in the Visual Arts and will be tinged with sadness as this is the last tour before it is sold. The gallery will be open for an after school visit on Monday from 3 - 4pm.

We are also excited to have Pauline Bennett on board as an additional teacher aide this term. Pauline will be involved in supporting our morning programme, Monday to Thursday. This is fabulous news and will help to alleviate the pressure in Nikau. There will be a little shuffling around of groups and children to maximise this opportunity. This will not mean children are moving up or down, just regrouping.

This term our core curriculum learning involves:

Number knowledge and strategies, fractions and algebra.

Procedural, descriptive and poetry
Guided and shared reading, plays, poetry and procedural with a focus on skills pertaining to individual next steps.
Our teacher aide, Helen de Boyett, will continue to withdraw children for the Steps to Literacy programme.

Smart Target – Responsibility – learning to be class mediators.
Change – The Godwit – Te Kuaka

Health and P.E
Fitness circuits and review of ball skills.
Gym Bus – Week 2 – 9.

We have been enjoying our lessons in Te Reo on Thursdays and we are pleased these will continue this term.

The Arts
Calendar art, Sculpture on Shore and ‘The Flock’ project. Arts activities will be integrated to enrich learning in core curriculum areas.

The homework routines established over the last two terms will continue. Daily reading, Mathletics, spelling and a weekly poetry response are expected. We hope the children are now into a routine and are taking responsibility for themselves. Thank you for your support.

Our syndicate meeting is every Wednesday at 3pm. We have staff meetings every Tuesday from 3.15pm to 5.00pm. Sarah has management meetings every second Tuesday. If you would like to catch up with us, please feel free to come in and make an appointment around these times.

Parent Help
We would like to thank you for your support this year. Last term in particular was very demanding with VEFA, and what an incredible job you did! We understand that a published roster would be helpful for busy parents/grandparents/nannies so we will send out a separate email with days and times for you to consider and commit to. Thank you very much, we love having you in the classroom and appreciate the wonderful support you give us.

Important dates for this term
Week. 1. Real Art Roadshow - Monday 25, Tuesday 26 July.
Week. 2. Gym Bus starts. School Whanau Day - Friday 5 August.
Week. 3. Peace Week and Maths Week
Week. 4. Book Week - Book Character Parade - Monday 15 August .
Week. 5. Nikau in class Poetry Presentations - Tuesday 23 August.
Week. 6. Dads to lunch – Friday 2 September
Week. 7. Life Education Truck visits
Week. 8. Calendar art orders due – Tuesday 13 September
Week. 9. Last day of term – Friday 23 September

Thank you again for your valued support and being such great parents.

Kindest Regards,
The Nikau Team

Sarah, Jo K, Anneke, Christina, Jo S, Helen and Pauline

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